Christmas 2021 is well & truly in full swing...

πŸ™ˆ My view at the end of the day. Building Everest with signs β›° The team are working their butts off!! 5am starts and I won't even tell you what time finishes....😳 We received a HUGE number of orders during mid-late September. πŸ‘‰ In our 8 years I've never seen anything like it....!!! πŸ‘ˆ
There was a period where I avoided posting/stopped adverts (NEVER had to do this before!!!!) to calm the website down. 😬 I couldn't write in Spring we had our biggest lull‼️ Being a small business owner you can never predict one moment to the next.
With the huge influx we haven't been able to dispatch our Sept orders as quickly as we would have liked to 😩 But I'm ecstatic to say the very last of the Sept orders are out for delivery this week - HALLELUJAH πŸ™Œ And we are machining our way nicely now through Early Oct orders.
It's been a really tough month for being shouted/sweared at for our leadtime. We realise waiting is frustrating especially when you're excited to receive your special family sign too ❀ (I ordered my Paris Fury autobiography back in June & it arrived today....literally skipped πŸ˜‚)
I cannot thank those customers enough who have been so patient with us. And I'm going to get my thinking cap on & email a special something πŸ’Œ I added a message to the website during Sept to select 'Express Service' if requiring for a gift & we've found this has been working really well πŸ‘Œ As has our new 'Add a note' section too πŸ—’
To add we've had our biggest % of returning customers during Aug - Oct which is just incredible so many of you are coming back for more! πŸ₯° We're a family business - we're passionate about what we do!!
Well if you've made it this far.... πŸ˜… wrap it up.....please don't leave it until December to order your Xmas gifts πŸ™ˆπŸ˜… It's safe to say I will need several strong drinks when we close for Christmas πŸ˜‚πŸ₯ƒ
Becky xx